History of PAAIThe history of the PAAI runs hand in hand with that of other groups and organizations. To save you from reading several books dating from January 1952 until today, I will only highlight the most relevant parts of history. APS FoundedJanuary 2009, several parents banded together to assist and support each other in matters of alleged alienation, enforced estrangement, child abuse, child neglect or false allegations. One of the individuals was forced to close his business and abandoned the web domain WWW.APS.IE. The domain became ABSTERGO PUTO SCIO, a Latin phrase meaning "we wipe, we think, we know". APS grew to be a support group addressing issues and assisting many parents and children separated from each other, fighting the system. Noteworthy Achievements of APSKey members of the group identified issues in the application of the Child Care Act. After a High Court ruling, one issue resulted that the Irish parliament had to be called for a sitting during their holidays to urgently amend legislation. (Interim care order). The High Court recognised that recordings are allowed when said recording is to protect a respondent. The Supreme Court ruled that the statute of limitations of offences committed during in-camera proceedings stop running on the date of the first attempt to report it to law enforcement. The High Court issued a declaration that offences committed during in-camera proceedings are not immune from prosecution. Many submissions were made on several forums regarding parental alienation. One noteworthy submission dated June 2020 to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CRC/Shared%20Documents/IRL/INT_CRC_NGO_IRL_42746_E.pdf PAAAThe Parental Alienation Awareness Association was founded in February 2014 when four professionals in Ireland decided to split off from the "Parental Alienation Awareness Society International" (PAASI). The PAAA was registered on 1 September 2014. After submission to the "Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality" on the "Children and Family Relationship Bill" on 10 July 2014, the PAAA was asked to do a submission outlining a possible enactment to address parental alienation. A deadline was set for 1 October 2014. On 31 August 2014, the submission was presented. Several meetings with TDs and other officials followed but no progress was seen until 2020. On 25 April 2015, BOLD (Bubbles Of Love Day), the first international conference on parental alienation in Ireland, took place at the Johnstown House in Enfield. Several professionals from Ireland and afar as the United States presented papers. Several lay attendees of the day became internationally recognised parental alienation professionals or experts of today. At its peak in 2019, the PAAA had more than 500 registered members from around the globe. Since the founding, all expenses were paid for by the founding members. All the daily tasks were performed by volunteer professionals and other members without any compensation. We never asked for any registration or membership fees. PAASI closed shop.The Parental Alienation Awareness Society International was a worldwide group that claimed to be "Parental Alienation Experts". As of 10th September 2014, the "Parental Alienation Awareness Society International" (PAASI) closed up shop entirely following a court ruling in the United States of America. PAASI also traded under the international names of "Ouerlike Vervreemding Bewustheid Vereniging Internationaal", "Alienacja Rodzicielska Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Świadomości", "Sensibilisation a lalienation parentale Societe internationale" or more where certification professionals testifying in courts were required. Although the Parental Alienation Awareness Association (PAAA) was a breakaway from PAASI, PAAA was not associated with PAASI, accepted its new constitution or recognised its new management or certification. The PAAA highlighted the irregularities, fraud, plagiarism and copyright violation as well as several "Whores of the Court" enjoying PAASI registration and certification. The PAAA opened its doors internationally, accepting and processing applications from anywhere in the world, on condition, it was in English. APS registered as a CLGIn 2016 Abstergo Puto Scio changed its name to Alienated Person Support. As a result of burnout of support workers dealing with APS and the PAAA, activities almost collapsed in November 2019. A new group of volunteers decided to take control. New management selected took over the control of APS and the PAAA. On Monday, the 8th day of June 2020, Alienated Person Support (APS) CLG number 671849, was registered with the Company registration office in Ireland. The PAAA was not re-registered as a separate entity but mentioned in the Memo of Articles (V6 dated July 2020) subsection 4.5 "To continue the work of the Parental Alienation Awareness Association in assessing and certifying the qualifications and/or knowledge of professionals proclaiming to be knowledgeable on the subject of parental alienation." APS developingAlienated Person Support continued vigorously spreading awareness of the curse of parental alienation. APS decided to commence trading under the more appropriate name "Alienated Children First". When this became known, individuals, with no connection to APS or the PAAA, registered a web page with the same name to advocate against parental alienation and initiate attacks on professionals registered with the PAAA. APS had to initiate immediate action by registering the name "Alienated Children First" as a trading name in Ireland (Entity number 667768) and initiate legal action against the perpetrators. The illegal web page was removed from the Internet after a Superior Court ruling in Ireland with mirror or similar orders in Northern Ireland, the USA and Canada. PAAA restructuredOn 30 September 2020, the Minister of Justice of Ireland, Minister McEntee announced the "Reform of Family Justice System". The PAAA, who made a "Submission to Oireachtas regarding Parental Alienation Enactment" on 31 August 2014, was also invited to give their input. The management of APS, who was on paper also the management of the PAAA decided that the PAAA is not their responsibility anymore and notified the Department of Justice that they do not have anything to do with the PAAA. Three of the key members who were also founding members in 2014, decided to take control for the interim. On 06 July 2021, new management was elected comprising a psychotherapist, two barristers, a psychologist, a professor, a mediator and one retired professional. A new code of conduct was drafted and approved. The public register was also updated. Beginning in 2022 it was agreed that the term "awareness" is not needed in the name of the organisation as the public in general and the lawmakers are now aware. It was also agreed to change the name to "Parental Alienation Association Ireland" (PAAI). It was also agreed to put the activities of the association on hold until the Oireachtas decide on the need for a registration authority in terms of the law. The Future of PAAISince August 1, 2022, the association has been managed by caretsaking management. The main reason for the decision is the direct attacks and harassment of professional members by individuals and groups who describe parental alienation as the protection of pedophilia. If the Minister of Justice decides that the registration of professionals becomes mandatory, a new management will be elected. Updated 21 October 2022 |